Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 11, 2011

Vietnam Landscapes: Mysterious climb action

Tien Shan (freeze dried), a natural cave made famous world heritage site of Phong Nha - Ke Bang. Nguyen Duc Trong Readers share photos subtle shimmering colors are formed by the jelly is a long time.
If someone imaginative, but as the other fossils will turn into magical figures very close to human life, and all of us to instill the philosophy more true, the good, the main U.S. center of each person. 

Tourists like us in the first place Penglai scene.
The block with numerous stalactites and shapes.
How fascinated travelers
Sparkling under the bright lights.
Dong Tien Son cave lies in Phong Nha chain.
The stalactites from a long block away.

Dong Tien Son - Castle stalactites

 Tien Son and Phong Nha Caves are the twin pairs of contiguous Creator, sink a well in a karst region of Pu Son Trach Commune, Bo Trach, Quang Binh. Moving Castle is considered by thousands of stalactites with colorful blocks and seemed to identity ... 

Winding roads climb up winding mountain on his back, mouth cave at an altitude of about 200m above the ceiling Phong Nha. Action is seen as the castle with thousands of stalactites as if to block size, the color column stalactites gleaming marble looks very attractive. Dong Tien Son has a total length of 980m and no communication with Phong Nha eat but correction is a unified whole.

Entrance work

Dome inside the cave

Appeared the first volume stalactites

The strange shape appeared

The natural stone look shaped statues of gods titles

Stalactites soft

Stalactites line flowed like soft colorful curtain

Amazed by the spectacular beauty

The stalactites are obvious carved with perfect beauty

A rising column of emulsions between the rocks across disordered

Many stalactites can be broken by the earthquake geology

Maybe after several million years, these two stalactites to be connected

Huge new cave discovered in Viet Nam

Above photo by Carsten Peter--"Going underground, expedition members enter Hang En, a cave tunneled out by the Rao Thuong River. Dwindling to a series of ponds during the dry months, the river can rise almost 300 feet during the flood season, covering the rocks where cavers stand."
"…I switch off my headlamp just to feel the depth of the darkness. At first there is nothing. But then, as my pupils adjust, I’m surprised to make out a faint, ghostly light ahead. I pick my way through the rubble, almost running from excitement, rocks scattering beneath my feet and echoing in the invisible chamber. Traversing up a steep slope, I turn a ridge as if on a mountainside and am stopped in my tracks.
An enormous shaft of sunlight plunges into the cave like a waterfall. The hole in the ceiling through which the light cascades is unbelievably large, at least 300 feet across. The light, penetrating deep into the cave, reveals for the first time the mind-blowing proportions of Hang Son Doong. The passage is perhaps 300 feet wide, the ceiling nearly 800 feet tall: room enough for an entire New York City block of 40-story buildings. There are actually wispy clouds up near the ceiling.…"

Hang Sung Sot, Halong Bay, Vietnam

What happens when you take Vegas lights and apply liberally to a natural wonder? Well the result is a little like what’s going on over at Hang Sung Sot, or “Surprise Cave” in Halong Bay, Vietnam.

Hang Sung Sot Surprise Cave thumb Surprise! This Cave is in Technicolor

Tarted up like a Russian hooker, or like my friend Lisa back home says, “a tropical fish with a hangover,” Surprise Cave is a massive draw in northern Vietnam.
Streams of day-trippers and Halong Bay cruisers make their way here to catch a glimpse of the stunning stalactites and stalagmites housed within. Lighting aside, Hang Sung Sot is spectacular. Lonely Planet recently named Vietnam as one of their Top 10 destinations for cheap holidays in 2012, and with plenty of inexpensive sights like Surprise Cave to keep you occupied, it’s easy to see why.

There are three grottoes within the cave.  The first is the smallest…

Colourful Hang Sung Sot Surpise Cave thumb Surprise! This Cave is in Technicolor

Surprise Cave thumb Surprise! This Cave is in Technicolor

First Cave in Hang Sung Sot Halong Bay thumb Surprise! This Cave is in Technicolor

Walls of Surprise Cave thumb Surprise! This Cave is in Technicolor

Cave walls look like clouds thumb Surprise! This Cave is in Technicolor

Colourful walls of Surprise Cave Halong Bay Vietnam thumb Surprise! This Cave is in Technicolor

Surprise Cave Halong Bay thumb Surprise! This Cave is in Technicolor

Surprise Cave Halong Bay thumb1 Surprise! This Cave is in Technicolor

Sloped ceiling of Surprise Cave Halong Bay thumb Surprise! This Cave is in Technicolor

Halong Bay Surprise Cave Hang Sung Sot thumb Surprise! This Cave is in Technicolor

Surprise Cave wall and ceiling thumb Surprise! This Cave is in Technicolor

Remember our friend Kevin from Cork, Ireland? Some of his friends have been at work here as well. But most of them are his ancestors from the 19th century. Graffiti is hard to escape anywhere you go.

Grafitti in Surprise Cave thumb Surprise! This Cave is in Technicolor

Panoramic view of Surprise Cave Halong Bay Vietnam thumb Surprise! This Cave is in Technicolor

I expected Cirque du Soleil to descend from the ceiling at any moment.

The Many Colours of Hang Sung Sot Halong Bay thumb Surprise! This Cave is in Technicolor

Another surprise in this cave – this garbage can doesn’t know if it’s a dolphin, a whale, or a penguin.  Still cute as heck though.

Dolphin meets whale meets penguin garbage can thumb Surprise! This Cave is in Technicolor

As you exit Surprise Cave, you are greeted with a sweeping view of Halong Bay.

Halong Bay Vietnam thumb Surprise! This Cave is in Technicolor

So what exactly is the surprise? I’m not going to ruin it for you, but let’s just say that if you’re bringing small children, you may want to shield their eyes.

Vietnam caves

vietnam caves

Vietnam caves are impresive to say the least and this country is home to the largest cave passage in the world known as the Son Doong cave. In 2009 the cave was explored by a Britih team who found a chamber inside which is over five kilometers in length, 200 meters high and 150 meters wide.

This cave is known to be at least 2.8 miles long, the exact length is not known though as the experdition was cut short due to flood waters.

As far as visiting the cave goes tour guides can be booked to lead groups to the entrance, but the cave is thought to be quite dangerous as theres a very large river running inside it. Any kind of deep exploration can only be done as part of a specialist team, which is a shame as the cave holds some impressive sights, such as giant stalagmites which stand at over 230 feet (70m)high.

There are 7 main Vietnam caves, which are listed below:
Lang Trang
Marble Mountains
Phong Nha cave
Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park
Son Doong Ca
Tam Cốc-Bích Động
Tham Khuyen

marble mountains

If your looking to visit some caves while in the country, the most highly recommended is the marble mountains. They are a cluster of five marble and limestone hills located in Ngu Hanh Son ward, south of Da Nang.

All of the mountains have cave entrances and numerous tunnels, and it is possible to climb to the summit of one of the peaks. Several buddhist sanctuaries can also be found within the mountains, making this a famous tourist destination. Excursions can be booked from many places in Da Nang.

vietnam cave

Another stunning series of caves can be found in Halong bay, but most of these caves can only be visited by boat and arn't quite as big the 7 listed above, but are still an amazing sight.

Nguom Ngao Cave

Nguom Ngao Cave is situated in Gun Hamlet, Dam Thuy Commune, Trung Khanh District of Cao Bang Province. From Cao Bang Town (Cao Bang Province) go 60km past the Ma Phuc and Khau Lieu Passes to reach Trung Khanh Town. From there, go 26km further, and you will arrive at Ban Gioc Waterfall before visiting Nguom Ngao Cave which is 3km away. 

In the Tay language, Nguom Ngao means Tiger Cave (Nguom: cave, Ngao: tiger). Legend has it that in the past there were many dangerous tigers living in this cave. Some people say that the name of the cave originates from the fact that the sound of a running stream in the cave sounds like the roar of a tiger. This cave is also called Wind Cave because inside the cave there is an underground stream which flows very fast, creating a gust of wind and a loud echo in the mountains. Some French people and Vietnamese mandarins discovered this cave when they visited Ban Gioc Waterfall in 1921.

The temperature inside the cave ranges between 18-250C so it is cool in summer and warm in winter. Nguom Ngao Cave is 2,144m long and has three main gates, including Nguom Ngao, Nguom Lom and Nguom Ban Thuon. People visit the cave through Nguom Ngao gate near Gun Hamlet and can go 1km deep into the cave

According to scientific research, Nguom Ngao is a karst cave formed nearly 300 million years ago. Stalactites and stalagmites in the cave create lively, splendid scenes fascinating visitors. With some imagination visitors named the stalactites and stalagmites after Vietnamese beliefs. The cave is divided into different sections, such as the “four highest-ranking court officials” section with stone pillars looking like they are propping up heaven. The central section has a large space and the treasure section has stalactites that sparkle in gold and silver colours.

The colours of the stalactites and stalagmites in Nguom Ngao Cave are quite different from those of other caves because the calcium in the stone has many impurities. On the walls of the cave there are many beautiful stalactites. One looks like a dodder tree, while others look like a mother’s breast, a sacred frog, or a stone musical instrument. The most outstanding features of the cave are stalactites and stalagmites in the shapes of a ship, a golden waterfall, a silver waterfall, an upturned lotus-shaped pedestal and a lonely stone pillar. Nguom Ngao is really an invaluable gift that nature has given to the local people